Thomas H. Smith, better known by his former stage name Jemini the Gifted One and currently as Big City IHB, is an American rapper from Brooklyn, New York. Jemini began rapping in the mid-1980s, but struggled to gain a record deal and instead worked in modeling, commercials, radio jingles, and writing and dancing for other artists during his early career.[1]
He signed to Mercury Records in 1994, and released his 7-track debut EP, Scars and Pain, the following year, which featured the singles "Funk Soul Sensation" and "Brooklyn Kids". However, the album was unsuccessful and he was dropped from the label. Following this, he released several singles on different independent labels but was unable to release an album.
In 2003, he collaborated with producer Danger Mouse, and the two released the album Ghetto Pop Life. A short time after the album's release, Jemini was arrested for narcotics activity and served an unknown amount of jail time, and he was unable to follow up on the album's success.
In 2013, a video emerged of an interview with Jemini, who revealed that he has changed his stage name to Big City IHB. He is working on a one-man show of his life, and a documentary about him and Danger Mouse entitled Mice and Men.[2]
- 1995: Scars and Pain
Collaborative albums[]
- 2003: Ghetto Pop Life (with Danger Mouse)